Yash Pathak

Market Researcher and Author at Buzz9studio
Best 5 Real Estate Websites in India
  • Real Estate

Best 5 Real Estate Websites in India

All the searches and information seeking have gone online today. People looking for real estate are also taking to Google…

3 years ago
  • Finance

How to Achieve Your Financial Independence with SIP?

Generally, an individual starts working after graduating and continues until the age of retirement. This is the cycle of life.…

5 years ago
  • Finance

म्युचुअल फंडस् सही है ?

Do you feel mutual funds are bad investments? A definite yes due to certain aspects of this investment tool. Considering…

5 years ago
  • Pharma

Top 10 PCD Pharma Companies in India – 2021 Updated

Here is the latest June 2021 updated list of the top 10 PCD pharma companies in India. The pharmaceutical industry in…

5 years ago
  • Market

GST Impact on Businesses in India

The country is already been through the initial hustling created by GST Impact on Businesses in India. The aim of…

5 years ago
  • Stock Market

Types of IPO in India

The initial public offerings keep on attracting investors. Any new company entering the stock market uses IPO to raise the…

5 years ago
  • Industrial

Best Websites for Buy & Sale Used Machinery

Buying Used Machinery and equipment requires careful considerations. Whether you are buying or selling machinery, digital places are quite helpful…

5 years ago
  • Real Estate

Top 10 Construction Companies in India

Best Construction Firms in India Sound infrastructure industry forms a backbone for the progress of the economy. India has seen…

5 years ago
  • Industrial

Top 10 Largest Granite Exporters and Manufacturers in India

Richest and Largest Granite Manufacturers in India: When it comes to natural stones like granites and marbles, India has a…

5 years ago
  • Finance

Top 5 Finance Companies in India

We have found here the best 5 finance companies in India you can approach for availing financial services. Financial service…

5 years ago